Door County Broadband Survey

The County of Door is conducting a broadband survey. They need all residents, property, and business owners to participate in this survey to show what internet services are in place in the County.  The project is estimated to cost the County $140 million. It is critical for the County to obtain as much Federal and State funding as possible and not leave anyone behind.

Every survey completed can help:
1. The State obtain more federal funding for Fiber.
2. The County and Municipalities qualify and apply for more State and Federal grants to help pay for Fiber to the premise.

The County needs you to complete a short 10-minute survey that includes an internet speed test from your home or business (or both) at

If you do not have internet access available at your home or business, please call 608-267-3595.

Take the broadband survey and speed test from your home internet connection at: or FIBERNETDOORCOUNTY.ORG