Streetscape Project Page
Update - May 12th -
Seeing its been nearly a month since my last update I hope most of you have been operating on the no news is good news philosophy. If so you will not be disapointed to hear that things have been progressing very nicely. The sidewalk extension project is complete with the final inspection done and punch list created. The stormwater infrastructure has been installed on all three roads with road grading beginning tomorrow and asphalt scheduled for next week Thursday. Finally the detour route repaving work is on the schedule, slated to begin with reconstruction work on Norway, just east of German, tomorrow with paving operations here and on the other streets on May 26th with a completion target of the end of that week.
Update - April 14th-
A week and a half into 2020 construction and we are well on our way. The sidewalk project was right on schedule until poor weather made an appearance. Because of the cold the pouring of the concrete curb and sidewalk has been delayed by a few days.
The stormwater project began as scheduled this week and the crew is making good progress on Hidden Spring Rd.
Initial plan -
Work on the 2020 phase of the Village of Ephraim's Streetscape Project will begin the week of April 6th. At that time work will begin on the sidewalk extension South of the Village Beach to the parking lot of the Confectionary. One week later construction will begin on the Stormsewer extention project. This project will begin on Hidden Spring Rd, followed by Cherry St, and finishing with German Rd. I will send construction updates as they arise and are available. From a planning standpoint access to all properties will be maintained during construction. Flagging operations will be occurring but State Highway 42 will not be closed at any point during construction. Those accessing properties on Hidden Spring and German may at times have to gain access from Larson Ln or Hoganson Ln while work progresses from the West. Specifics will be included in future updates. At this time the detour route repaving project is delayed for a few additional weeks as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Overview of 2020 Work
The spring of 2020 will be a busy one in Ephraim. We will have 3 major projects occurring.
Detour Route Repaving
Brookside Lane, Larson Lane and Hoganson Lane will all be resurfaced this spring. A small section of Norway near German Rd will be reconstructed at the same time.
Sidewalk Extension
The sidewalk that was installed last year as a part of the streetscape work will be extended South from the Village Beach to the Confectionary parking lot just North of Brookside Ln.
Additional Stormwater Work
Additional stormwater infrastructure will be added this spring on Hidden Spring, German Road, and Cherry Street.
2019 WORK

Project Overview
The Village of Ephraim Streetscape Project is a multi-faceted project in downtown Ephraim including underground utility burial from our Wetland Preserve North to German Rd, new decorative streetlights from Brookside Ln to Anderson Dock, and a reconstruction project of State Highway 42 from our Village Beach north to the Firehouse Marina which is scheduled to begin in March of 2019 and finish by the end of June 2019.
The reconstruction portion of this project will result in a full closure and detour of Highway 42 from March 18, 2019 to May 24, 2019. To accommodate summer tourist traffic the second phase of the project (May 25, 2019 to the end of June 2019) will see construction continue however Hwy 42 will be reopened under flagging operations.
Reconstruction Project Staging
Stage 1 (March 18, 2019 - May 24, 2019)
- Highway 42 closed to thru traffic
- Business and resident access within construction area to be maintained at all times
- Detour of Highway 42 traffic onto County A from the intersection of County A/Hwy 42 in the Village of Ephraim to County EE to County F to Highway 57 in the Town of Baileys Harbor to Highway 42 in Sister Bay at the intersection of 42/57
Stage 2/3 (May 25, 2019 - June 28, 2019)
- Highway 42 open to thru traffic
- Business and resident access within construction area to be maintained at all times
- Lane closures of Highway 42 occurring under flagging operations during non peak hours (Sunday 9:00 pm to Friday noon)
Click to View Project Map/Plan
Project Improvements
- Storm sewer repairs and upgrades including curb and gutter and stubs for property owners on the non-bay side of the reconstruction area. These connections will be regulated by way of an application and permitting process
- Cross culvert replacement
- Construction of pedestrian sidewalk from Village Beach to Old Firehouse Museum
- Reconstruction of Moravia/Hwy 42 Intersection
- New decorative streetlights
Ephraim Businesses are Open
While construction is well underway and your usual route through our little village may be temporarily disrupted its important to know that Ephraim is still open for business. Our Ephraim Business Council has put together a map of alternate routes you can use to visit your favorite shop.
Click to View Ephraim Business Councils map of alternate routes to local businesses
Streetscape Project
Update August 19, 2019
Tomorrow afternoon as most of you know is our Streetscape Project Celebration. I wanted to take a minute on this open house eve to call special attention to the ribbon cutting portion of the celebration. In addition to the ceremonial ribbon cutting, big scissors and all, is a community picture. Our hope is to capture this moment in time with a photo not only of trustees, committee members, staff and contractors but of our community. Community moments in history are documented at the historical foundation by way of group pictures, many taken in front of our churches and at Anderson Dock welcoming the arrival of steamers. This is our moment, three piece suits may be replaced with dock shoes and sandals but document we will. So, gather your families and tell your neighbors because tomorrow afternoon we are taking a community photo to preserve this moment in our village history and we want all to be a part of it.
The photo will be taken promptly at 3:45 pm at the south intersection of Hwy 42 and Moravia Street. The intersection will be closed at approximately 3:30 in preparation for the ribbon cutting. All are encouraged to participate, and be meet at the intersection.
Update - August 12, 2019
For a few in the village there remains a couple of t’s to cross and i’s to dot concerning the utility burial project. Our office has recently received a handful of phone calls concerning communication wires still laying on the ground. What I have been telling people is to contact your communication provider to let them know. Wanting to close the book on this issue myself I have once again contacted Frontier and Spectrum concerning this work. Both confirmed that they need specific property info, so if your property is one with communication wires still laying out on the ground you can do one of two things. Contact your provider or email me, Brent Bristol, at bbristol@ephraim.wi.gov with your name, address, and provider info and I can contact the providers with a list. If you are unclear whose wire it is, identification can be made by either following it back to a box on the house or a ped at the street, both of which may have a company stamp on the equipment, or by looking at the physical wire itself. G
For a few in the village there remains a couple of t’s to cross and i’s to dot concerning the utility burial project. Our office has recently received a handful of phone calls concerning communication wires still laying on the ground. What I have been telling people is to contact your communication provider to let them know. Wanting to close the book on this issue myself I have once again contacted Frontier and Spectrum concerning this work. Both confirmed that they need specific property info, so if your property is one with communication wires still laying out on the ground you can do one of two things. Contact your provider or email me, Brent Bristol, at bbristol@ephraim.wi.gov with your name, address, and provider info and I can contact the providers with a list. If you are unclear whose wire it is, identification can be made by either following it back to a box on the house or a ped at the street, both of which may have a company stamp on the equipment, or by looking at the physical wire itself. Generally by comparison the Spectrum wire is round and relatively stiff, while the Frontier wire is flatter and more pliable. If you are unsure or have any additional questions, just let me know. Thanks…Brent
Update - June 3, 2019
Last week, work on Hwy 42 was primarily that of WisDOT as they began replacing two storm sewer outfalls on the highway. This week will be a busy one as milling and paving operations are to begin tomorrow. On Tuesday North East Asphalt will be in town to mill 2” of existing asphalt off the road surface from Brookside Ln to the Village Beach and from the firehouse museum to the North intersection of Moravia and Hwy 42. Following this, on Wednesday and Thursday pavers will be in town putting 2” of new asphalt back down in the resurface area in addition to completing the final 2” lift in our reconstruction area. The highway will be open under flagging operations this week but motorists should expect delays on the highway as there will be a lot of truck and equipment traffic. Following this work shouldering, top soiling, seeding, and marking operations will begin.
Update - May 24, 2019
Noon today will mark the end of stage 1 of our streetscape project which most importantly to most means the re-opening of Hwy 42. As planned the highway will re-open today but be aware that it is still a construction zone. Work restrictions are in place from now until the end of June ensuring no work will be occurring on Friday afternoons, Saturdays and Sundays. During the work week however work will continue with an open highway under flagging operations and a one lane road at times.
In the final weeks of our streetscape project when we are working to finish up not only the road surface but, streetlights, driveways, and restoration work you will also be seeing work by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. They will be in town beginning Tuesday May 28th to complete their resurface project between Brookside Ln and Anderson Ln. Next week they will be working to replace two cross culverts. The first is near our Village Hall, and the second is just south of Anderson Ln. The first week of June will see Northeast Asphalt in town with their milling machines and pavers. Weather permitting milling and paving will be completed within that week. Following that, shouldering, striping, and restoration work will occur. By contract this area of the WisDOT project must be completed by FYR BAL weekend.
Update - May 15, 2019
Those who have seen the progress first hand or seen pictures making the digital rounds know that it is no longer necessary to look at the project plans or artist renderings used during years of planning to get an idea of what streetscape will look like, because it has become oh so very clear over the past week.
Overhead utility poles are gone. Curb and Gutter is in. Sidewalk is in. Streetlights in the reconstruction area are in and a good amount of the final topdressing of landscaped/seeded areas has begun. It really is coming together, and coming together weeks ahead of schedule. The pouring of sidewalk occurred almost 3 weeks ahead of schedule as will be first lift of asphalt which is scheduled to be poured this coming Monday. The crew from North East Asphalt is doing final grading now and will pour the first binder coat and driveway aprons on the bay side of the highway on Monday and Tuesday of next week.
The WisDOT Hwy 42 resurface project has been awarded which will bring additional work to Ephraim in early June. WisDOT will be replacing 2 stormwater culverts and resurfacing the Highway from South of Brookside Ln to Anderson Ln by Fyr Bal Weekend. More specifics on this project will be provided in the weeks to come.
Update - May 6, 2019
Weather permitting we are going to see another big week of change as curbs will be going in on the non-bay side of our reconstruction area. This work coupled with pouring of the sidewalk that will immediately follow will be impacting those with driveways on the curb and gutter side of the road over the next two weeks. Concrete cure time will make these driveway areas impassible for approximately two weeks. Those with multiple points of access on the highway will see contractors pour these one at a time in order to ensure access. Many have access from another street or are willing to share a drive with a neighbor, in these cases and in one or two other cases in which there is no other option driveway access is being cut off while the concrete cures. There are two businesses that are currently open that only have a single point of access but have wide driveway aprons. In these cases the drives will be split and poured one half at a time. This will increase the overall impact time but will ensure access for their patrons. If anyone has any property specific questions relating to this impact please contact the village.
New streetlights within our reconstruction area have been installed and the feedback so far has been great. Most of the foundations for the other streetlights have been poured and will see lights mounted as soon as the concrete cures.
Update - May 1, 2019
A week of wet weather continues but in truth this is the perfect week for it. Base aggregate has been added to the road surface and on top of keeping the dust down, the rain has aided in the compaction of the base. That road base in fact is the reason for this mid-week update. An opportunity presented itself during the asphalt removal portion of the project that checked many boxes. The structural integrity of the road box, the green tier/ecological box, and the quirky that’s what makes Ephraim, Ephraim box. What was discovered was layer upon layer of asphalt totaling on average 10 to 12 inches and in places up to 17 inches. That wealth of material we are happy to report has been reclaimed, crushed, and hauled back to Ephraim this week where it will lie once again, this time as the foundation for our new road surface. Like our village history, generations have added their layer on the foundation of those that came before. So as the base goes back down, providing a superior foundation in a manner showing strong environmental stewardship I think we as a village should be proud of the layer we are adding.
Update - April 26, 2019
With all stars still aligned great progress continues. Storm sewer work has been completed and road grading has begun. What this means is the road is starting to take shape, including the terrace for our new sidewalk. Frontier is in town completing their work and Northern Electric has arrived and has finished a busy week preparing for our new streetlights.
Next week the crew at Peters will continue grading the road in preparation for laying base aggregate and for curb installation which is planned for the week of May 6th.
Overhead power poles should be coming down in about a week, marking the end of our utility burial project.
Many may have become accustomed to the work schedule of Peters which to date has resulted in no weekend work, that changes tomorrow. Electrical subcontractor NEI will be working on Saturday running conduit and setting poles and pole bases. Even though our road has been and continues to be closed 7 days a week until Memorial Weekend, 42 has seen more traffic on the weekends during construction, so for those venturing out, be prepared to slow down and to see traffic impacts.
Update - April 12, 2019
Up until yesterday’s snow and rain our contractors have been fortunate to have some great weather and working conditions. That good fortune has resulted in great progress and has us well within schedule, to the point that all storm sewer work should be completed next week.
Storm sewer work next week will be occurring between Hidden Spring Rd and German Rd. Once this is complete the crew from Peters will begin removing the balance of the existing asphalt in our reconstruction area in preparation for grading.
Those of you who reside in or visited a destination in the reconstruction area this past week may have noticed it appears a little darker at night than you may be accustomed to. In preparation for our new streetlight project which runs along the highway from Brookside Ln to Anderson Ln existing lights have been de-energized and will be removed next week. Upon completion of this task the crew from Northern Electric will start running electrical conduit beginning at Anderson Ln and working south.
The sanitary manhole project has been completed, and if Frontier Communications completes their work as scheduled the utility poles from the Wetland Preserve to German Rd should be coming down the week of the 29th.
Update - March 29, 2019
Two weeks are in the book and the crew from Peters has completed storm sewer outfall work at County Q, Harborside Park, and South of the Firehouse Dock. They also have completed inlet construction on Moravia Street for future buildout up the hill, and installed structures at the Moravia/42 intersection that will collect surface water that currently flows onto 42 from Moravia. Additionally the storm sewer trunk line has been extended south to German Rd which also received much needed infrastructure replacement.
Storm sewer work the week of April 1st will continue from German Rd South towards Hidden Spring Rd. Properties within this area will find easier access from the South to begin the week but as the crew continues South some will find access easier from the North as the week progresses.
Next week we will begin the task of de-energizing our existing streetlights in the replacement area in preparation for their removal which is scheduled to begin on April 8th.
The sanitary manhole crew is about half way done with their work and will progress in the Southern area of the Village next week. Work areas will be protected with additional signage and safety barrels in and around the manholes. The area from the Village Hall North to Orchard Road, where sanitary work occurred this week, is complete and barrels should be removed from the traveled roadway later today.
Update - March 27, 2019
Beginning Wednesday, March 27, 2019 work will begin on repairs to the sanitary sewer manholes in the North Bound Lane of HWY 42. This work will begin in the North end of the village near the 42/Orchard intersection and work South through the village. The repair will result in traffic impacts, flagging operations, one lane roads, and traffic barrels protecting the new manholes. Cure time for the rings and risers is three days so expect to see construction impacts in these areas for the rest of the week in the North end and most of next week in the central and Southern portions of the village. Barrels and barricades will be affixed with flashing beacons but all should be aware and cautious when navigating these areas in the next week.
With respect to the ongoing storm sewer work a decision was made to continue working from Moravia Street South towards German Road for the rest of the week. Those needing access to businesses or properties in the reconstruction area this week are requested to come in from the South not the North as previously planned.
Updates for next week’s storm sewer work and navigation will come Monday morning.
Weekly Update - March 25, 2019
The first full week of Streetscape Road Reconstruction is in the books and we are making good progress. New concrete storm sewer outfalls to the bay with new culverts under the highway were installed at the intersection of Church and Hwy 42, at Harborside Park, and at Moravia Point South of the Marina. This is the first of several weeks of storm sewer infrastructure work that will be kicking this project off. The construction crew was also busy at the end of last week removing those trees necessary to make room for the new sidewalk and storm sewer inlets between German Rd and the public beach. The construction team has been very open and transparent and we have already established a solid system of communication between staff, our construction engineers, and our contractors.
For the most part local traffic has done well to avoid our construction area but there certainly are still many driving around barricades and thru our closed road. The sheriff’s department has and will continue to have an increased presence in the village to keep motorists and workers safe.
Today (3/25/2019) work will continue in the area of the South Moravia/ Hwy 42 intersection. This work will make this intersection impassible to all traffic. Beginning tomorrow (3/26/2019) storm sewer work will move to the area of the public beach to Hidden Spring Rd. Those needing access to homes and businesses in the construction area this at this time will need to approach from the North.
Weekly Update - March 13, 2019
As many of you have seen, digital message board signs are up at the north and south ends of our project detour informing traffic using Hwy 42 of the pending road closure that will go into effect on Monday, March 18th. As the construction teams begin to mobilize for construction more and more preparations will be visible. Our road crews have done what they can this past week to increase visiblilty at intersections and increase road widths by pushing back mountains of snow. With many likely to use the network of side streets in Ephraim and neighboring communities to get around during construction the Village and County Emergency Service staff stress to all to be safe out there. Again, the Village is asking that residents and business owners inform delivery vehicles and contractors to follow the detour route and to stay off of our side streets to the best of their ability. No thru truck traffic signs will be placed on many of our side streets and the Door County Sherriff's department has been asked to help monitor traffic and speed in the interest of safety.
Once construction begins weekly meetings will be held providing updates on progress made and work to come over the next days. Updates will be provided on this page, send out via email, and distributed to media outlets to the best of our ability.
Weekly Update - March 4, 2019
A preconstruction meeting was held on Friday, March 1st with Ephraim village officials, engineers and the construction team. A date of construction was set for March 18th at which time Highway 42 in Southern Ephraim will be closed to thru traffic and the approved WisDOT detour will go into effect. As noted in recent project updates those needing to access homes and businesses in the hard closure area will be provided access to these locations but delays should be expected. Additional signage will be placed at County Q and Hwy 57 directing those using the detour to Ephraim and Ephraim businesses via Q.
When looking at our construction page and official detour on the Village webpage it is easy to assume that many with local knowledge are likely to use the network of side streets in Ephraim and neighboring communities to get around during construction. In an effort to provide for safe travel during this time the Village is asking that residents and business owners inform delivery vehicles and contractors to follow the detour route and to stay off of our side streets to the best of their ability. The significant snow fall this winter has resulted in limited visibility at intersections and narrow road widths. Village crews will be working to remove much of this snow in the coming weeks and no thru truck traffic signs will be placed to preemptively combat this concern. Additionally an increased presence from the Door County Sherriff's department has been requested during this time.
WisDOT / Fish Creek Project
State Highway 42 will be seeing additional roadway construction independant from the Village's project that will also begin in the spring of 2019. WisDOT is currently planning a resurfacing project of Hwy 42 from the town of Gibraltar to the Village of Sister Bay that is, at this time, scheduled for a spring 2019 start. Project details are still tentative as the project is currently in the process of being re-bid but is likely to impact Northern Door County traffic in the spring of 2019, Fall of 2019, and Spring of 2020. More information regarding this project can be found on the WisDOT project website below.
Link to WisDOT Project Website: