Village Update
President’s Letter
Well, what a year it has been thus far. Unfortunately, because most of our Village meetings have been “Virtual,” I feel it is time for an update on what is going on in our Village.
In May your Board of Trustees welcomed Matt Meacham as its newest member. We thank outgoing Trustee, Paul Roppuld, for his years of service to us on the Board and to you.
The StreetScape project is coming to an end with the extension of the existing sidewalk south to Brookside Lane, repaving Norway, Hoganson and Larson, which were used as the detour routes, and extending the storm water system up certain streets to accommodate sump pump output of
various homes.
The project came in under budget and on time leaving us with additional money to improve the infrastructure of Ephraim for years to come. The latest addition is the installation of new street signs along the Water Street corridor.
As a Village we owe a debt of gratitude to all who have spent countless hours and energy in seeing this project to a successful conclusion. My thanks go out to the members of the Physical Facilities Committee chaired by Jim Stollenwerk and Cindy Nelson, the StreetScape Ad Hoc Committee chaired by Ken Nelson and members Tim Nelson, Chuck Pearson, John Held and Cindy Nelson, and last, but not least, the Village administration staff. We have a project that all can be proud of.
Shoreline Repairs
Due to the record high water in Eagle Harbor and the subsequent damage done by various storms the need for repair and protection of our shoreline became very apparent. Under the auspices of the Physical Facilities Committee and using the members of the StreetScape Ad Hoc Committee
to form the Shoreline Repair Ad Hoc Committee, this project has progressed to the point where we are now ready to consider letting the bids.
The project, extending from the Fire House Marina to the area in front of the Village Hall, has been divided into three sections. We again hired AECOM as our project engineer and have utilized Pete Diemer as the design engineer with the goal of stabilizing the shoreline and protecting it from further erosion. The project will include shoreline repair, placement of riprap stone and a low wall suitable for sitting. A new path will be adjacent to the wall. Additionally, cement pads for benches and picnic tables will be constructed on our shoreline green spaces.
The estimated cost including a 15% contingency will be around $740,000.
Your Board will look at financing options to include a bank loan, utilizing existing capital funds and pursuing grant monies. It is felt that this will not increase your property taxes.
It is the Committee’s plan to have work started early in the spring of 2021 and be completed by Fyr Bal.
Moravia Point
A plan for improving Moravia Point to include removing the cedar trees and planting suitable ground cover and shrubs is to be presented to the Board this month. Monies for this project will come from our surplus of unused StreetScape funds.
It is my hope that you find this information useful and that you will be present “Virtually” for the November Board meeting when these topics will be discussed. Log-in/call-in information for the upcoming November Board meeting and all meetings of the Village can be found on the bottom of public meeting notices or in the posted meeting places as well as on our Ephraim website:
I am deeply indebted to our administrative staff under the capable leadership of Brent Bristol, the hard work and ever present smile and “can do” attitude of Andrea Collack and the speed at which Megan Sawyer has learned her new job. They have proven to be flexible with their work hours and the challenges presented to them by the pandemic and have continued to provide excellent service for all of us.
I wish that all of you will stay safe and healthy and enjoy the coming holidays.
Mike McCutcheon
Ephraim Board President