Board and Committees Composition and Organization
Each committee consists of members appointed by the Board of Trustees. All Trustees serve on at least one standing committee. Unless otherwise stated, all committees are advisory in their capacity, and make recommendations on desired actions to the Village Board.
Board of Appeals
The Board of Appeals is made up of five Ephraim residents and two alternate members who serve as needed. All Board of Appeals members are trained to serve on this quasi-judicial Board. The functions of the Zoning Board of Appeals are in accordance with Section 62.23(7)(e) of the Wisconsin Statutes, as well as applicable Village zoning ordinances.
Board of Review
The Board of Review consists of the Village Board of Trustees plus the Clerk and Treasurer.
The Village Assessor attends all meetings of the Board of Review. No Board of Review may be constituted unless it includes at least one voting member who, within two (2) years of the Board's first meeting, has attended a training session under Wis. Stats., Sec. 73.03(54), and unless that member is the municipality's chief executive officer or that officer's designee. The duties and functions of the Board of Review are in accordance with Wis. Stats., Sec. 70.47.
Marinas & Moorings Committee
The Marinas & Moorings Committee meets as needed to complete the following tasks: refine harbor development plans and recommend additions or changes to the harbor facilities, and discuss issues of safety, function, maintenance needs, policy, and events. Their duty is to plan for the effectuation of harbor improvements, and make such plans as it deems necessary and essential for the improvement of the harbor and adequately provide for the needs of harbor patrons, Village residents, and tourists, which may include recommendations for the acquisition of land for harbor purposes, and for the construction of facilities designed to enlarge or improve the harbor facilities as a whole. They also make recommendations annually regarding fee changes, harbor ordinance amendments, and the use of excess harbor revenues as part of the budgetary process.
Community Protection Committee
The functions of the Community Protection Committee are in accordance with applicable Village ordinances. The CPC consists of four Ephraim residents, and the Ephraim Fire Chief serves as an ad-hoc member.
Election Officials
The functions of the election officials are in accordance with Wis. Stats., Sec. 7, and applicable Village ordinances. The polls are open from 7:00 A.M. – 8:00 P.M.
Historic Preservation Committee
The functions of the Historic Preservation Committee are in accordance with applicable Village ordinances. Composed of five Ephraim property owners, this committee provided recommendations to the Planning Committee to preserve the historical nature of the Village of Ephraim.
The Village of Ephraim Historic Preservation Committee regularly meets at 6:00 or 6:30 P.M. on the fourth Tuesday of every month at the Ephraim Village Office on Norway & Hwy Q.
Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee is made up of the Board of Trustees, who meet as needed, to discuss and determine all matters concerning administrative implementation of the personnel policies, review proposed personnel policies and amendments as developed by the Village Administrator and make recommendations to the Board for consideration and legislative action; Approve of personnel changes or additions as needed. Conduct an annual performance evaluation of the Administrator; annually review and make recommendations for salary adjustments and develop a salary plan and compensation program for the Village employees.
Physical Facilities/Utilities Committee
The Physical Facilities/Utility Committee meets the first Tuesday of the month or as needed to complete an array of duties. They are the body that is charged with maintaining and updating the grounds and buildings owned by the Village, all public roads, and facilities. Through this process, they discuss issues of safety, function, maintenance needs, and policy and plan for the effectuation of property improvements.
Plan Committee
The functions of the Plan Committee are in accordance with Wis. Stats., Section 62.23 and applicable Village ordinances. Composed of seven property owners and presided over by the Village President, this committee is responsible for ensuring that the Zoning Ordinance is enforced equitably.
The Village of Ephraim Plan Committee regularly meets at 7:00 P.M. on the fourth Tuesday of every month at the Ephraim Village Office at Norway & Hwy Q.
Wastewater Committee:
The Wastewater Committee meets the Monday prior to the Board Meeting of any given month. The Committee is responsible for the maintenance of the Wastewater Treatment Plant building and its related infrastructure which is one of the most important aspects of their duties. They also recommend utility ordinance amendments, refine development plans, and review and make recommendations on proposed improvements, additions, extensions, or changes to the Wastewater Treatment Plant facilities, all plant and infrastructure improvements as it deems necessary, which may include recommendations for the acquisition of land and for the construction of facilities designed to enlarge or improve the plant. The Wastewater Committee also recommends annually to the Village Board any rate changes as part of the budgetary process.